Concurrent Flight Manager
Concurrent Flight Manager is a Java terminal interface that allows you to log in as a user and book a number of flights. SQL database hosted on Azure was used.
Concurrent Flight Manager is a Java terminal interface that allows you to log in as a user and book a number of flights. SQL database hosted on Azure was used.
Attempted to create an image resizing program, based on a 2007 pathfinding algorithm
Worked with a group of 4 participants to create a voice-controlled tab manager under a 24-hour time constraint. Used JavaScript, HTML, and CSS for the front-...
Implemented Forward Algorithm and Viterbi Algorithm, which was used to train on a labeled set of 10000 tweets. The parts of speech classifier could correctly...
Implemented a graph from scratch, utilized Dijkstra’s Algorithmto find Shortest path between two locations at UW
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